Dinosaurs, Flowers & Movies

 New York City Connection

Feathered dinosaurs?

If you are passionate about the fascinating world of dinosaurs, you may know already that NYC’s Museum of Natural History is one of the best places in the world to enjoy for hours surrounded by the remains of these magnificent creatures from ancient times. The hundreds of skeletons, fossils and diagrams filled with information regarding these extinct giants always succeed in delight any kind of visitor, from school groups to amateur paleontologists, who can also enjoy from time to time the varied temporal exhibitions displayed in the Museum. The most recent, however, is probably one of the most fascinating due to its focus on the complex evolutionary process that allowed dinosaurs to survive until today…from a certain point of view, that is. Dinosaurs Among Us, opened last March 21st, will allow the public to know in-depth both the theories and the evidences that point towards how these reptiles initiated their transition into the birds that live around us. Can you imagine a feathered T-Rex? Did you know that many dinosaurs shared a startling bird-like physiognomy, to the point to have actual beaks? Why did they settle in nests? Questions that will be shared by the thousands of guests that will go, for sure, to an exhibition that is going to make all of us look at birds in a very different way from now on.

Floral shopping at NYC’s heart

From the animal world of the past to the vegetal life of today. No, not in Central Park or Bronx Botanical Garden, but in the Big Apple’s most emblematic mall: Macy’s. It will be here when, from March 20th to April 3rd, its legendary shop windows will reveal to the public all kind of floral arrangements, bouquets and ornaments recreating the USA most exuberant floral ecosystems. From the shores of Maine to Louisiana swamps, to the presidential gardens from the capitol to the arid Colorado canyons, all the diversity of American flora will be accessible to all in the very heart of the city…and best of all, completely free!

A date with the best cinema at TriBeCa

To put the cherry on top of the section, don’t forget to mark in your calendars the dates of what it is without a doubt an unmissable date for any fan of the seventh art: the TriBeCa Film Festival. One of the most prestigious events of this kind in the entire world, this absolute classic filled with independent and experimental movies (mentored in its beginnings by Robert De Niro himself, who will be in an exclusive panel after the projection of his classic Taxi Driver), strikes back again in its 15 edition with a schedule full of activities to enjoy the benefits of the big screen from April 13th to April 14th. After all, which place could be better to be immersed with the magic of movies than the most filmed city in the planet?

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