Savor the Flavor of Eating Right!


March is National Nutrition Month! A perfect time to celebrate the healthy and wholesome meals that bring us together with the people we care about. Healthy family meals make meaningful memories and lead us to long healthy lives.

Make sure to enjoy everything that comes with eating a meal; be mindful of what you see, smell, and taste as well as the conversation and fun you are having. All of this adds up to developing an overall healthy eating plan.

Healthy eating isn’t hard, here’s a few ideas to get you thinking:

• Change things up! As a family, commit to trying a new fruit or vegetable every week during March. You never know, you might even find a new favorite snack!
• Get the family together for at least one meal a week. Work together and let kids help too. For even more fun, try a themed dinner night!
• Take Your Time. Be mindful to eat slowly, enjoy the taste and textures, and pay attention to how you feel. Use hunger and fullness cues to recognize when to eat and when you’ve had enough.
• If you eat out, choose healthier options. Remember that preparing food at home makes it easier to control what is in your meals.
• Limit treats. Treats are great once in a while. Just don’t make treat foods an everyday choice. Limit sweet treats to special occasions.

Healthy eating doesn’t mean sacrificing taste or tradition, instead, it means making small changes to add nutrition and flavor to your food.

• Switch to a whole grain cereal like oatmeal.
• Start a change to lower fat milk. Gradually change from whole milk to 2% to 1% to skim.
• Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits. A variety of different colored produce is recommended in order to obtain the different nutrients they provide. Whole fruits and vegetables are also good sources of dietary fiber. Remember all forms count – fresh, frozen, canned and dried.
• Choose lean proteins like fish, chicken and dried beans and peas.
• Use less salt. Liven up your meals with herbs, spices, garlic, vinegar, lemon juice and pepper.

Develop an eating pattern that includes nutritious and flavorful foods, while also taking the time to enjoy everything that a healthful and tasty meal brings with it. That’s the best way to savor the flavor of eating right! For recipes, tips and more go to

This material was funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). This Institution is an equal opportunity employer.