Positively Impacting Your Life with God’s Truths – October 2012
Best regards dear readers. I want to start positively impacting your life telling you that God wants us to trust Him in the midst of our difficult situations to be like gold, to be like a precious jewel and feel peace. Be like gold and feel peace in the midst of so many problems in the world? Yes, Gold is passed through the fire to take away what is not of value. God wants to strengthen and polish us like gold in the difficulties, if we trust Him. And if we trust in Him, He will give us peace in trouble times. But not just any peace, but a peace that God gives. In Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but present your requests to God in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. 4:7; And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus means that peace is different from what we can give anything in the world. It is a peace that can feel even in the midst of our sorrows and problems. Can we be sad and have peace?. Yes, we can be sad, and even cry, because those are normal feelings and expressions in a human. But if we have Jesus in our hearts as our Savior, we will feel strengthening. Sadness is not going to dominate us and we can rest in the promise that God is in control of everything in our lives. If you already have a personal relationship with Jesus, with every prayer we give thanks before seeing any blessing. By giving thanks we are declaring that we have faith that He is working in our situation before we see the results.
And besides talking to God, we must also praise and worship Him, because as our God and Creator of all, is worthy of being worshiped. If you do not know how to praise Him, I invite you to read the psalms and there, you will find beautiful examples of worship. As for example in Psalm 69:30: “I will praise the name of God with a song. Glorify him with thanksgiving.” We sing to honor him. And we see another example in Psalm 106:1: “ALELUYA Praise the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever.” In another article I will talk about everything that can occur when we praise and worship God. — All those who have said that Jesus gave his life for them (Romans 10; 9 “that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved”). And rose and repenting of their sins, God forgive them and endorsed them, can have the peace of God.
The problems and difficult situations while being in the world. But God is eternal, offers us eternal life through Jesus and gives us his peace. In John 16:33 says, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” Dear reader: Do not look at the circumstances and how big your problems are. Look how great is our God. He has all the power. If you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior, this is your time. And, look for a church that is directed by the Bible, which is the Word of God. A church where they don’t put or take away anything from His Word and enjoy peace of God’. Until next and many blessings to you and your family..!