Starting Progress

Push-starting Progress

Sometimes making humane and environmental progress is like push-starting an old car with a tired starter motor: you struggle to push it down the road until it’s time to engage the clutch and, vroom! The engine starts right up as and down the road you go!

Here are some notices of good news in the current humane and environmental push-starting phase:


New York State:

– Governor Hochul signed into law a moratorium on using fossil fuels to mine crypto. There is a 2 year pause on new & renewed permits for fossil fuel power plants. DEC is required to study the practice of cryptomining using fossil fuels and the environmental impact.

– Gov. Hochul also signed a bill that mandates that 30% of NYS land and water be protected by 2030. The bill emphasizes restoration of biodiversity, climate resiliency as well as expanded access to nature for all.

– New York Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act: prohibits the sale of cosmetics in NYS that have been tested on animals.

– Puppy-Mill Pipeline: Pet stores are banned from selling inhumanely bred dogs, cats and rabbits. The law encourages the sale of dogs and cats from shelters. It takes effect in two years allowing shelters and pet stores to put into place their systems to facilitate this.


– Big Cat Public Safety Act: Bans the private ownership of big cats and prohibits cub petting operations.

– Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act: Prohibits the possession, sale and purchase of shark fins.

– FDA Modernization Act: Ends the 84 year old animal testing mandate for experimental drugs.

– Honeybee Vaccine: Critical to the US food supply, honey bees have been in sharp and alarming decline. American foulbrood attacks the larvae and can destroy an entire colony in just weeks. The new vaccine is administered to the queen in a sugar mixture and is passed down to her offspring.


– Ireland, Latvia and Malta have banned fur farming.

– Dolce & Gabbana, Moncler, Parajumpers, Copenhagen Fashion Week & Frasers Group have all committed to go fur free.

– South African Government suspended all hunting and export quotas for leopards, elephants and black rhinos.

– South Korea, Brazil and Indonesia will drop animal test requirements for vaccines & biological drugs.

Thank you to People for Animal Rights of CNY for compiling these wins at

photo of person holding a clear glass ball by Arthur Ogleznev and photo of dog by Nano Erdozain from

Rob English is a member of People for Animal Rights, a grassroots organization in Central New York,
Contact People for Animal Rights
PO Box # 401,
Cleveland, NY 13042


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