To the Voters of Syracuse
The recent poll conducted by Siena College, and released on August 20th, must be put into context. Key is the fact that only 924 people were polled. This is only about two percent (2%) of democratic voters in the City of Syracuse. That means that 98% percent of those eligible to vote in the September primary were not called, and therefore, were ignored.
More importantly such a small sample ignores the majority of the electorate. We cannot afford to allow this election to be reduced to a handful of people, while the rest of us are encouraged to remain silent and to act invisible. We must remember that people vote and not polls. This is a good reason why every democrat should be sure to come out to vote on September 10th in the primary. That is so your voice can be heard.
I have a fivefold plan: (1) to stimulate our City’s economy through a comprehensive plan for small business; (2) increase the number of students graduating from our high schools by recognizing that all students may not be college bound, but they should be workforce ready through an integrated vocational program available to every student who desires it; (3) decrease crime by incorporating the best practices from community policing standards; (4) repair our crumbling infrastructure; and (5) improve the quality of city services.
There are many relevant issues that will be decided in this election primary, among them is who has the better plan to lead Syracuse to the next level. While our current mayor has taken credit for a previous administration’s work, we must look to her record and not her rhetoric. Aside from the projects that were put into place under the Driscoll Administration like the Marriott hotel, the Pike Block project, and many others, there is little that Miner’s administration has accomplished on its own. Rather, under her watch downtown is losing a major employer in Traveler’s insurance due to her shortsightedness and failure to negotiate. IdaBendersonSeniorCenter was closed for a $65,000 budget gap, but Miner forgave a $350,000+ loan owed by the company headed by her deputy mayor’s wife.
If business as usual is allowed to continue then in less than a year, Syracuse will be in bankruptcy, and headed for a control board.
As voters, you have the chance to make a change now! Choose Alfonso Davis as your democratic candidate on September 10th, and let’s chart a course of success.
For more information, or to volunteer to work on the campaign, you can call the headquarters at (315) 422-4860, or visit our website at
Thank you for your consideration,