Health April 2015


Your Autism Coach Provides Seven Tips To Help Parents During Autism Awareness Month

New York — Mar 25, 2015 / ( — Deanna Picon, founder of Your Autism Coach, LLC ( and author of The Autism Parents’ Guide to Reclaiming Your Life has declared Saturday, April 11 as a day for family members and friends to support the parents of children with autism.

“These parents may be your best friend, your cousin, your neighbor or co-worker,” says Picon. “Most are weighed down by guilt from feeling like they’re not doing enough for their child, financial strain from seeking proper care, and constant worry that their marriage or family is being torn apart.”

 Family and friends can apply these simple tips to make a huge difference in the lives of special needs parents:

  • Give a well-deserved break. Managing all aspects of a child’s daily living – including personal needs, school activities, therapy and medical appointments – can leave parents little personal time. Offer to watch their child at home or take him/her to a park, museum or movie for a few hours. This will allow parents to do something they enjoy but never get a chance to do. Best of all, they’ll know their child is safe and well-cared for and there are no child care costs.
  • Run an errand. Pick up some groceries when you shop or drop off some clothes at the dry cleaners. It’s one less, time-consuming task on their long “To Do” List.
  • Share household tasks. Wash some dishes, a load of clothes or help clean the child’s room. An extra pair of hands is always welcome.
  • Bring a dish. A nice dinner or even a take-out meal can make everyone feel special and appreciated
  • Plan a Fun get together. Plan time, possibly during the time the child is in school, to go out and spend some time together. To be able to reconnect. To go shopping or to eat something. This will do miracles for the parents, as they are able to lift a litter bit the weight of autism, even if it is only a few hours.
  • Listen without judgment. Bring over some coffee or tea, sit down and just listen. Allow them to laugh, cry, vent and blow off some steam. No one expects you to solve their problems or even offer solutions. A shoulder to lean on works just fine.
  • Acknowledge their dedication. Tell parents they’re doing a great job. Day in and day out, they’re taking care of their special needs child without as much as a “Thank You.” Words of encouragement and praise is a great morale booster.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in 68 U.S. children now has an autism spectrum disorder, which is an increase of more than 30 percent from the 2008 report.

Your Autism Coach, LLC provides superior coaching services and seminars that address the issues and concerns of parents of special needs children. Additional tips will be available at during Autism Awareness Month.

Media Contact

Deanna Picon, 347-869-4705,

To learn more about Your Autism Coach, LLC please go to



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