
The Benefits of Mantras

by Raquel Torres

What are Mantras?

Mantras are short phrases or words a person chants or repeats to themselves, often while meditating, cultivating mindfulness, or breathing deeply. Professional and elite athletes use affirmations to improve their mental strength and concentration.

A person may use mantras to induce a calm, meditative state and to focus on ideas and words that are important to them.

How we speak to ourselves matters.

Research shows that mantras or affirmations effectively help people with anxiety by centering their thoughts and breathing, allowing them to refocus and ground themselves in the present moment and creating a moment of inner peace.

Scientific benefits of mantra meditation:

A 2016 scientific study of 45 inexperienced chanters (mantra users)  and 27 experienced chanters found that chanting “om” for 10 minutes can help:

  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms
  • Improve attention
  • Boost self-esteem
  • Increase motivation
  • Help you solve problems
  • Boost optimism
  • Help you address negative thoughts
  • Enhance positive mood
  • Improves the Nervous System (heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate)

Types of mantras

The word “mantras” is sometimes used interchangeably with “affirmations.”

Affirmations are a self-help technique that doesn’t stem from a specific culture or religion.

One of the best ways to start to reprogram your thinking is to rely on positive affirmations or mantras.

Choose a few of these mantras, keep them close, and repeat them often. Slowly but surely, they will begin to feel truthful. And as you change your view, you will change your world.


  • I am grateful for this body that carries me through life
  • I honor and respect myself
  • I am a beautiful person
  • I am worthy of love and affection, and I show it to myself first
  • I accept myself just as I am
  • I radiate light from within


  • Om
  • I Am
  • I am in my body
  • I am connected to The Earth

Courage & Motivation

  • I am capable of anything I put my mind to
  • I have dreams and the power to make them come true
  • Confidence comes from action
  • I can overcome any challenges that come my way. I am resourceful. I am powerful.

Self confidence, calmness and managing anxiety

  • Peace is within me
  • Slow is Steady & Steady is Fast
  • One day at the time
  • This is temporary

Affirmations can lead to a more positive self-image over time. Many people find affirmations to be powerful tools for changing unwanted thought patterns and beliefs.

Raquel Torres, MBA is a USAT Elite Certified Coach, Professional Triathlon Coach and Professional Triathlete. Raquel also writes blogs for several magazines and her team Athletic Mentors. Since May 2021 she contributes as a columnist with CNY Latino Newspaper. She shares true life stories with her experiences, also tips and tactics that helps anyone to be their best version. To read about her, head over to and search for her by her name. You can also send questions or comments about her column to the following email: and go to her website at

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