The Cumin in our Language
Cumin is a spice Latinos and Latin Americans use to flavor many of our dishes. Its seed is no bigger than a grain of rice. However, those dishes we call our own wouldn’t be the same without the presence of this tiny seed. We are Latinos and we have our language. Yours, mine, theirs… So different from one country to another, but always painted in the colors from this side of the Ocean. It is the Latin American Spanish, our language, which word by word, phrase by phrase, or cumin seed by cumin seed, adds to our identity. Now, evidently our language is not the same if we neglect the correct use of words for then it lacks the distinctive flavor of our land. Therefore, giving the best use I can to the language I was born in is the main reason to speak it correctly and defend it as much as possible, if only by using the cumin seed of a single word or phrase. Furthermore, since it is the language of my parents, of my grandparents, of my origins, I wish for it to be the language of our future generations too.
It is in my hands, yours, and theirs to make it happen. Therefore, this space will be dedicated to sharing the Cummins in our language I collect from diverse sources and the ones you, the reader, kindly wishes to share with us and offer everybody the opportunity to use them for seasoning the dish of each and everyone’s particular speech.
Till next time,
Cecilia Chapa
People understand each other by speaking, but doing it correctly!
Is it pudrir or podrir?
The verb in infinitive may be both “pudrir” or “podrir”. However, the verb’s conjugation is with “pudrir” only.
Jeepers! Yikes! Good grief! Gosh! Really?
For those who have kids, and don’t know it,
in this church we have a special room prepared for children.
Dear Ladies,
Don’t forget about our Fund Raising!
It is a great opportunity to get rid of all useless things cluttering your home.
Bring your husbands.
The Elderly Choir will take a break for the summer.
The entire Parrish thanks them.
Sayings and prattle
If a bird called you crazy, it must be true.
Birds don’t talk.
What is it about?
Do you know what a pleonasm is?
It is the use of more words or word-parts than is necessary for clear expression.
Examples are: black darkness, or burning fire..
Hay que tener cuidado con…
Be careful with…
Español |
English |
En absoluto |
Not at all |
Absolutamente |
Absolutely |
Embarazada, encinta, preñada |
Pregnant |
Apenado, avergonzado, abochornado |
Embarrassed |
Español a lo largo de Latinoamérica
Spanish throughout Latin America
ENGLISH – Español
AHI – ají/pebre/salsa al vinagre
AVOCADO – aguacate/palta/palto
APRICOT – albaricoque/chabacano
BACON – tocino/beicón/
BANANA – plátano/guineo/banano/cambur/maduro
BARBECUE – parrillada/asado/barbacoa
BATTER – masa/capeado
BEANS – frijoles/fríjoles/alubias / caraotas/habas/judías / porotos/habichuelas
BEEF – res/vacuno
BEET – betabel/remolacha/betarraga
BISCUIT ROLLS – barquillos/bísquet/bollo/panecillo/galleta
BREAD STICK – palito de pan/grisín/colín